Estimativa populacional , seleção de habitat, distribuição e conservação do cervo-do-Pantanal nas savanas do norte da Bolivia




The biggest cervidae in South America, the marsh-deer (Blastoceros dichotomus(Blastoceros dichotomus) shows reductions in its distribution and historic population, principally due to human environmental disturbances. Research related to population size and ecology were developed only in Brazil and Argentina, and there is no published data for the other countries of its distribution, The objectives of this paper were divided in two groups: (i) To estimate the populations size, to survey the existence of habitat selection and to modeling the distribution of marsh-deer in northern Bolivia; and (ii) to assess threats to this species and determine the conservation status of this species in the department of La Paz, Bolivia. This research was conducted between May and August of 2007. For data collection, I did aerial surveys in three sites; to estimate density I used the double-count technique; to determine habitat selection I used the Ivlev.s index, and to modeling the distribution the Maxent program was used. To assess the marsh-deer status conservation I created a map of the main threats in northern La Paz. The marsh deer density in La Paz was 0,24 ind/Km2, in Mamore River was 0,12 ind/km2 and in Itenez was 0,015 in/km2. The marsh-deer positively selected Water Bodies and negatively the Woody Savanna. The maxim values of probability to find deer were in the center of the whole area. The cattle, fire and human pressure were the main threats to the marsh-deer in La Paz. The conservation status was favorable in almost the whole area. The densities presented here were intermediate comparing to Brazil but higher than Argentina. The habitat selection also was similar to Brazil. The flooded level was the main determinant environmental variable for marsh-deer distribution. The three major threats are around the La Paz savannas, for the rest of the area still exist a great chance to have sites with optimum conservation levels and good opportunities of conservation for this species.


cervidae blastoceros dichotomus cervideo ecologia marsh-deer cervo-do-pantanal

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