Estudo da ação do núcleo pré-mamilar ventral de ratos no controle reprodutivo e em respostas à exposição feromonal. / The role of the ventral premammillary nucleus of rats in the reproductive control and in responses to pheromonal stimulation.




The objective of this study was to assess the role played by the ventral premammillary nucleus (PMV): 1) in the regulation of the female reproductive system, 2) as a mediator of the effects of leptin and 3) in response to pheromonal stimulation. For this purpose, we produced bilateral PMV lesions in female rats. We observed that PMV lesion: disrupted the estrous cycle and altered the number of ovarian antral follicles; reduced the estradiol and LH levels; and suppressed neural pathways that control the reproductive axis. We found that lesions of the PMV blocked leptin stimulation of LH secretion during fasting. In another experiment using male rats, we showed that nitric oxide synthesizing neurons in the PMV and medial nucleus of amygdala are activated by conspecific odors, especially female odors. Thus, we showed that PMV plays an important role in the control of females reproductive system and mediates the stimulatory effects of leptin on LH secretion. Also, PMV is part of the neural circuitry related to pheromonal responses.


leptin leptina reprodução pheromones animal reproductive behavior feromônios neuroantomia neuroendocrinologia neuroanatomy neuroendocrinology reproduction comportamento reprodutivo animal

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