Estudo da relação do parasitóide Nasonia vitripennis (Walker, 1836) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) utilizando como hospedeiro Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), em laboratório / Study of the relationship of parasitoid Nasonia vitripennis (Walker, 1836) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) in host Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), in laboratory




The object of this study was evaluate biologycal aspects of Nasonia vitripennis at different density levels of the host Chrysomya megacephala on parasitoid N. vitripennis isolated and grouped; evaluate the longevity of N. vitripennis with and without offering of pupas to the parasitóides adults; and verify the influence of the sawdust as substratum of pupas hostesses of C. megacephala, on the parasitism of N. vitripennis. The experiments had been lead using climatized chamber regulated the 27oC/day and 25oC/night, 6010% of relative humidity of air and 14 hours of fotofase. Different densities of pupas hostesses congealed of C. megacephala had been displayed the nulliparous females in pipes of assay closed with hydrophobic cotton, for 48 hours, in the relations parasitoid:host isolated (1:5, 1:7, 1:9 e 1:11) and grouped (5:25, 5:35, 5:45 e 5:55)for observation of the effect grouping. 15 repetitions for treatment had been carried through. The longevity of N. vitripennis was observed from 5 couples of microhymenopteras just-emerged grouped in glass river steamers, offering 10 pupaes of C. megacephala, changed weekly (treatment 1) and dont offering pupaes in treatment 2, both the treatments was realizated 4 repetitions. The third stage consisted of the one exposition pupae of C. megacephala to a parasitoid female, with and without the sawdust use as substratum for pupae, for 48 hours. 5 repetitions for treatment had been carried through and climatic conditions had been registered daily. From the exposition of different densities of host C. megacephala to the parasitoid N. vitripennis observed that the average duration of the ontogenetic development oscillated between 15.0 and 18.0 days, having a reduction of the duration of the development in function of the increase of hosts. The average number of parasitoid for pupae varied of 8.0 the 21.6, being the biggest lineage of gotten N. vitripennis in relation 1:9. It had a shunting line of the sexual reason for females in these treatments. The offering of pupaes hostesses to the parasitoids influenced in the longevity of N. vitripennis, getting average longevity of 23.5 days for male and 22.5 days for females with offering pupaes and 25.5 days for males and 25.0 days for females without the offering pupaes. The use of sawdust as substratum of pupas of C. megacephala did not influence in the biological aspects of N. vitripennis.


controle biológico biological control pupas hospedeiras. parasitologia ontogenetic development. host pupae desenvolvimento ontogenético

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