Estudo das reações entre ions Nd(III)e ions Er(III) com ions azoteto em soluç ão aquosa




We presented in this thesis the results of an investigation about the formation of the species NdN3 and ErN3 in aqueus solution. This is a prosecution of the studies related to the determination of stability constants of the azide complexes in aqueous solution, that are in course in this laboratory. In that study the following topics were developed: a) At first we redetermined the stoichiometric stability constant of the CoN3 species, because it was used as an auxiliary species in the study of NdN3 and ErN3 species. b) Following we investigated the formation of the species by using a spectrophotometric method. This method is based on the displacement of equilibrium of a solution containing Co(II) and N3¨ ions caused by the addition of Nd(III) ions. The decrease of the absorbance of the solution which was atributed to the formation of the NdN3 species was used to determine the stability constant of this species. c) Following we realized the same study that has been done to NdN3, to the ErN3 species, in this manner the stability constant of the ErN3 species was determined at ionic strength 1,0 M and at 25 °C. d) Finally we tempted to relate the experimental results of the stability constants to the values obtained by the use of theoretical equations. Our objective was to illustrate the nature of the LnN3 species.


solução (quimica) solução ionica azotetos reações quimicas

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