Estudo de algumas variaveis no resfriamento continuo por imersão de frango




After scalding, plucking and evisceration the carcass shows a temperature of 38°- 40°C and has to be cooled down rapidly to avoid the development of microorganisms and other processes responsible for its deterioration. Immersion in low-temperature water is a process largely used for cooling down the poultry. As this water needs various treatments and represents an important item in the slaughter¬house, its use must satisfy three objectives: refrigeration, count of microorganisms and gain of weight of the carcass. A mathematical model expressed in FORTRAN language has been worked out to simulate the process of continuous cooling consisting in passing the carcasses through two tanks in series, provided with a screw conveyor. Theoretical data obtained showed good agreement with those determined experimentally in a slaughter-house having a capacity of 4000 poultries per hour. With the above mentioned method it was possible to determine the thermo-physical characteristics of poultry, such as thermal conductivity, specific heat, density and heat transfer coefficient between the carcass surface and water, and compare them with literature data. The effect of the relation between flow rate of product and water on the process of cooling was also studied. The number of microorganisms in the water and on the surface of the product was counted. The use of water treated by chlorine dioxide gave good results in reducing the counts. The gain of weight was determined. Further study is needed to reduce this value. It can be concluded that the continuous cooling system by immersion, if properly operated, reduces the total count of bacteria’s on the poultry carcass and represents an advantageous method from the point of view of heat transfer.


resfriamento - teses frango de corte - resfriamento - teses

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