Estudo de caso de um aluno superdotado com Transtorno de Asperger: desenvolvimento, características cognitivas e socioemocionais




Giftedness and the Asperger Disorder are subjects that have been promoting discussion and increasing interest from educators and psychologists. The difficulty in distinguishing characteristics of Giftedness and Asperger Disorder and in recognizing and identifying the coexistence of these conditions may lead to erroneous and imprecise diagnosis. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the twice exceptionality from a multidimensional point of view by considering the individuals global development. The present Case Study has investigated the development history in terms of cognitive, social and emotional dimensions of a gifted student with Asperger Disorder, concepts of Giftedness and Asperger Disorder, educational practices used by the regular and resource classroom teachers, and also their expectations in relation to the investigated student. The participant was an eleven year old male attending 5th grade of a public primary school of the Federal District and also a resource room belonging to the High Ability and Gifted Student program from the Federal District Education Secretariat. The instruments used were a semi-structured interview and documents, such as reports from the regular classroom activities, a portfolio with activities developed in the resource room, in addition to medical and psycopedagogic reports. The results have shown that the student was characterized as possessing above average intelligence, high abilities in Portuguese, Foreign Languages, Science, Mathematics, Computer Sciences and Drawing, as well as emotional and social impairments. They also revealed excellent academic performance, good adaptation to the regular classroom and high motivation for activities developed in the High Ability and Giftedness Program he attended. The analysis of the results has indicated high expectations from teachers and parents in relation to the participants academic achievement. Moreover, it has revealed important distinctions that help understanding the need for specific interventions for the twice exceptionality, Giftedness/ Asperger Disorder.


histórico de desenvolvimento sucesso escolar superdotação crianças superdotadas - educação; psicologia do desenvolvimento transtorno de asperger twice exceptionality, giftedness, asperger disorder, development, academic success. dupla excepcionalidade ciências da saúde

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