Estudo de elementos estruturais roliços de madeira / Study of structural round timber




The aim of this work is the determination of stiffness and strength properties of structural round timber. Static bending and compression parallel to grain tests were carried out to obtain modulus of elasticity (MOE), shear modulus (G) and modulus of rupture (MOR). The results suggest that, in bending test, there is no influence in MOE determination due to shear deflection at span/diameter ratio = 18 or more. There is difference in MOE results for structural round timber and for small clear specimen in bending tests, and the same occurs for MOE and MOR in compression parallel to grain tests. Finally, to this structural round timber, the MOE/20 ratio is not recommended to estimate G, and is commendable the establishment of specific structural round timber test methodology, as suggested in this study.


bending tests elementos estruturais roliços structural round timber compression parallel to grain tests wood flexão estática madeira compressão paralela

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