This dissertation, Study of Agricultural Equipments in the Teaching of Physics: A Proposal to the Work in Agrotechnological Schools, links up to a Line of Educational Practice Research in Institutions, of the Master Program in Education of the Federal University of Santa Maria. This work aims, by using of agricultural equipments, as didactic resource, to set up parameters in order to organize situations about learning in physics, for that students can live moments of integration between practical knowledge in the technical agricultural area and their necessities in the quotidian. The research was carried out at the Federal Center of Technological Education of São Vicente do Sul (CEFET-SVS), in two stages. The first one, concerning familiarization with the object of the study, developed in the fourth bi-mester in 2003, of wich participated 23 students who belonged to the second serie of high school, concomitantly with the Agricultural Technical Course. The second stage corresponded to the final phase of the research, developed in the first bi-mester in the year 2004, of wich participated 32 students of high school, who also belonged to the second serie and were parallely attending to the Agricultural Technical Course. As the CEFET-SVS has an awn structure with allows to the pupils experiences in various sections, and contact with many agricultural equipments in order to develop the practices wich qualify they professionaly, the problem of research had as focus identify possibilities of using that present. Their selves to the agricultural equipment, with which the student, keep contact in the quotidian of an Agrotecnical School, as a didactic resource in the Teaching of Physics. As a member of the group of work of Professors of Physics in the Nucleus of Education on Science of Federal University of Santa Maria, since more two years, which has set out to draw up didactic modules in order to use tools in Physics classes of high school, we realized a possibility of to come true the present research of high school; based on production and implementation in class-room, of a Didactic Module. In those two stages, we involved as a didactic resource, the agricultural equipment wich exists in the Unities of Teaching and Production of CEFET-SVS and insert the same in the Didactic Module. This module, The using of greenhouse in the agriculture, was based in the second phase, in 26 classhours and it follows a basic dynamic constituted of three phases denominated of Three Pedagogies Moments, to know: Inicial Problematic Situation (PI), Organization of Knowledge (OC) and Application of Knowledge (AC), based on the proposal of Delizoicov and Angotti (1991). To each one of the Didactic Activities were included learning expected in the Conceptual Field Procedimental and Atitudinal, according Pozo and Crespo (1988). We also try to regard in each Didactic Activity, some competences and Skills Wished, to be developed in Physics, and preconized in the National, Curricular Parameters (PCNs). It was developed a plan based in the question of study, beeing used as an instrument of investigation, questionnaires with open question and close one, elaboration of the texts by students in each of the stages direct observations by the professor, the students behaviors, professors diary of pedagogical practice and students productions who participated of the research. The information obtained were regulated and classified in order to know the ideas of participating people. To the students who answered the questionnaire applied in the second phase, we verify that 62% of the believe that the agricultural equipaments only brings benefits as long as they used in correct ways. Concerning the students conceptions in relation to the fabrication of a agricultural equipament have been led from the scientific principles or physical law already knew and formulated by Man, we evidence that only 5% of them believe that the agricultural equipament has been made without to base in a scientific principle or law already knew. The answers evidence that 80% of the students from that class believe that the agricultural equipament were made based on physical principle or in a law already known. Other portion, 15% of the students, believes that the studies about agricultural equipament happen from the necessity to improve more and more the efficiency of the equipament, because of this they are going to modifying them; not beings necessary laws and principles already established. Considering to the context of an Agrotechnical School, we defend an alternative proposal to work this curricular component in High School Teaching through subjects monopolizing agricultural equipment in Agrotechnical School, in order to Physic Study Searches approximations which aim a better understanding about the world and a the formation to the citizenship more appropriate, according to that is preconized by National Curricular Parameters


equipamentos agrícolas práticas educativas física educacao escolas agrotécnicas

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