Estudo do musculo palmar longo numa população brasileira




Agenesis of the palmaris longus musc1e was analyzed in 520 forearms obtained by anatomical dissection (120) and photographically in normal volunteers (400). Agenesis was found in 86 ofthe 520 forearms (16.5 %). Agenesis was slightly more prevalent on the left side than the right (17.6% against 15.4 %, respectively). Agenesis was not observed in all1 O for earmsofthe 5 black volunteers, was found in 4 ofthe 38 forearms from Oriental volunteers (10.5%), andin 62 forearms of352 white volunteers (17.6 %). These international difference sllgfee with literature. Left side agenesis occUITed on1y in females. This is in agreement with some published papers. Left side agenesis occulted only in the right-handed volunteers, but it wasn t possible to establish precise capitulations between agenesis of the palmaris longus musc1e and motor dominance


musculos anatomia membros superiores

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