Estudo eletromiografico da influencia dos musculos biceps e triceps do braço e braquiorradial, nas diferentes posições articulares do ombro




The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of biceps raquialis, braquiorradial, and triceps braquialis on the flexon activity at different positions of the shoulder joint. It was observed the isometric semipronate elbow flexion contractions with anatomical position of the shoulder, 90° shoulder flexion and 90s houder abduction. Ten healthy female young volunteers, right-handed and no-trained were evaluate. The registers of electromyographic and force output were acquired by a 12 bit A/D converter board with a sample frequency of 1000 Hz, Butterworth filter with low-pass of 509 Hz and high-pass of 10,6 HZ (model CAD 12/36 of Lynx Electronics Ltda.), and gain of 1000 times. The Aqdados software 4.16 version (Lynx Electronics Ltda) was used to present and analyze the different signals simultaneously (RMS, mean, standard deviation, maximum, minimum values). The electromyographic signals were detected with a differential bipolar surface electrode (Lynx Electronics Ltda.) over the musc1ebelly placed between a motor point and the tendon insertion. The force output was measured with a load cell.In all trials, the load celI was positioned with it alignrnent perpendicular to the limb. The RMS and force mean values were statisticalIy evaluated by the GraphPad InStar, 3,01 Free Demo version. The data were tested with Kolmogorov-Smimov normal distribution test, and the mean RMS and force comparison were performed by ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests. The Pearson correlation was used to establish a relationship between RMS and force values for each of the studied musc1es. The results showed that no statistical differences were found to electromyographic activity and force output in the isometric elbow flexion contractions caused by the variation of the shoulder position. The Pearson correlation values showed that greater correlation for the flexor musc1esoccurred at 90° of the shoulder abduction, while the greater correlation for the triceps braquialis occurred at anatomical shoulder position. The triceps braquialis musc1e act in cocontraction to protect and stabilize the shoulder and elbow joints during the isometric elbow flexion contractions in maximum effort. The length variation of the biarticular musc1e by the shoulder variation in the isometric elbow flexion contractions combined with semipronation was not enough to alter the force levels of the force output and electromyographic signals. This suggest that the greater contribution of the contraction of the studied musc1eswas destined to stabilization of the shoulder and elbow joints


isometric torque exercicio isometrico triceps braquialis electromyography biceps braquialis eletromiografia

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