Estudo in situ do efeito do polimento e da proteção superficial no manchamento de ionomeros de vidro modificados por resina




The purpose of this in situ study was to evaluate the effect of polishing and surface protection on staining of resin-modified glass-ionomers (VITREMER e PHOTAC-FIL). lmmediate polishing was compared to delayed polishing that was carried out at different stages of the setting process (1, 24 and 168 hours afier light curing). To evaluate surface protection, the materials were divided in three groups: no protection, manufacturer indicated protectors (FINISHING GLOSS e KETAC GLAZE)and a light-activated bonding resin - HELIOBOND. Immediate and delayed polishing were compared for alI of these groups. Specimens were prepared, subjected to photopolimerization and treated with the respective protectors. Some specimens received immediate polishing while the others were fixed unto palatal appliances used by 23 volunteers. After 1, 24 and 168 hours in the oral environment, the specimens were successively removed from the appliances and polished. Then the specimens were immersed one by one in tubes containing a 0,5% methylene blue solution during 23 hours. Afterwards they were ground , immersed in 65% nitric acid and kept there for 24 hours. The experimental solutions were diluted, centrifuged and the supematant used by spectrophotometrical measurement (607ηm).The data were subjected to analysis of variance with three factors (material, surface protector and polishing). Sums of squares decompositions followed by TuKEY s least significant difference were used for the analysis of significance interactions and pairwise comparisons (ά = 5%). There was a significant effect of materials on staining, which differed in their susceptibility. For both materiaIs, the highest staining indices were obtained by immediate polishing and without surface protection. The materials were only statistically different in the earliest stages of the maturing process, where the highest staining indices were observed in the PHOTAC-FIL. Differences related to the surface protectors were not statistical significant. The conclusions can be drawn that surface protectors reduce the staining of resin-modified glass-ionomers significantly even when submitted to clinical conditions and that the polishing should not be carried out during the same clinic session.


espectrofotometria acabamento materiais dentarios

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