Estudo "In Vitro" da lisura da superfície das ligas de titânio e níquel-cromo, submetidas à ciclagem térmica em intervalos de tempo, com a utilização da rugosimetria. / "In vitro" study of the surface smoothness of two kinds of alloys - titanium and nickel - chromium, submitted to thermo cycling at intervals, through rugosimetry.




The resistance capacity to corrosion to which the dental prosthesis made in mettalic alloys are subject has a major importance in the dental clinic, due to the occurance of possible biological reactions such as, for example, allergic symptoms and degradation of restorations. As there are several factors acting in the oral medium, every restoration material, either metallic or not, is subject to a deterioration action in its surface, caused by pH variation, alimentary diet, temperature and chewing. New metallic alloys have been developed, among them the Titanium (Ti), which presents excellent acceptance in the dentistry area , mainly in the industry of dental implants. This study appraised the superficial rugosity of two metallic alloys Titanium e Nickel Chromium (Ni Cr) in three different phases , through readings made by the surface rugosimeter in the test bodies, submitted to thermal cycling and submerged in artificial saliva at constant temperature of 37 degrees, for a period of 8 months. Through the achieved statistic results, it may be concluded that there is no difference between the alloys, concerning the time and visual aspect factors, there being a significant difference only between phases I and III of the study.


surface smoothness nickel - chromium alloy titanium alloy ligas de níquel-cromo - rugosidade superficial - c ligas de titânio - rugosidade superficial - ciclag

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