Estudo longitudinal e morfologico (medula ossea) em pacientes com neutropenia secundaria a exposição ocupacional cronica ao benzeno




The author carried out o follow up of 81 neutropenic by cronic benzenic occupational exposilion. They was from the industrial park of Cubatão-SP, and the study was performed during 1985 to 1990. AlI pacients were male with age ranged from 20 to 60 years old. The study of characteristic occupational showed that 80.0% of the workers were,in the maintenance and : construction steel factory. The mean time of exposition was 65 mounths. On the follow up study by life-time method the estimated probability to normalize the peripheral blood count was 52.0% after 5 years of removal the patients from the environmental work risk (aproximate 95%, confidance limits for 5 years was 0.52. ± 0.06 ). The comparisons of the estimated probabilities of the groups with <24 and >/24 mounths of cronic benzene exposition and with the quantitative disturbances on the bone marrow, by the logrank test, were not statistical significant. The histologic and citologic study of bone marrow showed disease on 98.6% : global hypocellular morrow was found in 89.4%; granulocytes precursors were reduced in 93.0%; erytroblasts ln 24.5%, anà megakarioblasts ln 43.8% On 60.0%, of the pacients the bone marrow showed hipocellurarity with moderate to intensive alterations. Only one case had global hiperplasia.


medicina do trabalho medula ossea doenças profissionais

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