Estudo sobre regras e linguagem privada. A divergência de interpretações sobre a noção de regra nas Investigações Filosóficas. / Study on rules and private language. Interpretation´s disagreement on rule´s notion in Philosophical Investigations




This work has as main objective the analysis of the role of the concept of rule in Wittgensteins Philosophical Investigations. Throughout the text we have the readings of S. Kripke and G.P. Baker &P M S. Hacker. The first argues that the notion of rule, inspite of presenting a paradox, it is a very important point in the argument against private language. He believes there is a skeptical solution to the paradox which flirts with nihilism. Furthermore, the Englishs commentators have the concept of rule fulfilling a key role in the explanation of Wittgenstein on the functioning of language. The rules are as functions of normative uses of words, they are expressed in the language and determinate according to the contexts of use.


linguagem privada regras private language skeptical paradox wittgenstein rules paradoxo cético

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