Estudos das propriedades ópticas dos complexos európio tetraciclinas e suas aplicações na detecção de lipoproteínas / Studies of optical properties of complexes europium tetracycline and its applications in detection of lipoproteins


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work presents the optical properties of europium complexes - Tetracyclines (EuTcs) in the presence of LDL and oxidized LDL with potential applications in clinical analysis. Four elements were chosen from the Tetracyclines family: Tetracycline (Tc), Chlortetracycline (CTc), Metatetraciclina (MTc) and Oxytetracycline (OTc) to be part of complexes with europium ion. The best conditions to form the complex efficiently were determined through measurements of optical parameters such as absorption, emission and lifetime. The best concentrations of europium complexes in EuTcs and possible influences of inorganic ions normally present in blood plasma were also analyzed. The samples were prepared at neutral pH and the visible luminescence of lanthanide was detected after resting time of the samples of 15 minutes. These results showed that the molecules of LDL and oxidized LDL have an important role in increase of the emission intensity for Tcs complexes . The measurements performed with the complex EuTcs showed no shifts in the wavelengths of the absorption and emission spectra in the presence of LDL, which demonstrates the absence of direct interaction between the molecules of Tcs and the molecules of LDL and oxidized LDL. However, the europium ion can interact at different sites of the tetracyclines molecules which differed the emission intensity of each complex. Comparing the results obtained between the complexes EuTcs, the complex EuTc is the one that presented the promising prospects in the quantification of LDL and oxidized LDL.


európio europium ldl ldl ldl oxidada oxidized ldl tetraciclinas tetracyclines

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