Estudos sobre domiciliação espontânea em galinheiros experimentais por população silvestre de triatomíneos no Município de Araraquara, São Paulo, no período de XI/1998 a III/2002 / Studies on spontaneous domiciliation in experimental chickens houses for wild populations of triatomines in the municipal district of Araraquara, São Paulo, in the period of XI/1998 III/2002.




Studies on spontaneous domiciliation in experimental chickens houses for wild populations of triatomines in the municipal district of Araraquara, São Paulo, in the period of XI/1998 III/2002. Objective: Studies of the dynamic of population, of colonies of Panstrongylus megistus Burmeister, 1835 (Hemiptera:Reduviidae) spontaneously established in chickens houses (CH) was accomplished. The correlation between climate factors and population data observed were interpreted. Method: The population of Triatominae spontaneously established in a chicken house of the ranch Carandá, Araraquara, SP, Brazil in the period of November of 1998 to March of 2002. Was researched by systematic revisions, dorsum markings, release and recapture; the study of the dynamic of the population was proceeded by the Kiritani-Nakasuji method for analysing of the insects stage-frequency data and by the Pearson´s linear correlation index applied to climatic and population data. Results: A spontaneous colonisation of the chicken house by Panstrongylus megistus was obtained. The size of the population varied from 19 to 208 individual. The greatest presence of nymphs was in the winter and summer time and the great presence of adults was during spring and fall; the females stayed more time in the shelter than the males; those ones were in the greatest number in the majority of the revisions (Sex ratio =1,22). The cycle of the development from nymph I to adult was 540 days, the daily survival for all stages was 0,9975 and the total survival was 0,2573; and according to the Pearson´s linear correlation index, it had not significant correlation between population data and climate factors (r= 0,1780 for temperature and r= 0,1078 for rainfall). Conclusion: The chicken house constitute a useful tool for ecological studies of Triatominae, the colonies of Panstrongylus megistus which are developed in artificial ecotopes are stable, data from previous studies was disposed and new researches are necessary to better clarify the dwelling behaviour of this specie, that according to RABINOVICH, 1972 is K- strategical.


panstrongylus megistus panstrongylus megistus chicken houses ecology galinheiros experimentais population data triatominae triatominae dados populacionais ecologia

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