Evaluation of different energy densities diets for laying Japanese quail / Avaliação de dietas de diferentes densidades energéticas para codorna japonesa em postura




Two experiment were development with Japanese quail in the production period. In the first experiment was evaluated the performance and egg quality of Japanese quail subject the diets of different energetic densities, maintained constant metabolizable energy (ME): lysine ration. In this study was used 400 Japanese quail of the 76 days old until the 160 days old. A complete randomized experimental design was used with five treatments, eight replicates and ten quail per experimental unit. Five diets was formulated with five levels of energy (2900, 2800, 2700, 2600 e 2500 Kcal of ME/Kg of diet). In each treatment was maintaining ME: lysine ration of 2596. The nutrients levels also maintened ration with the energy. It was observed significant difference to feed intake (P<0,01), feed conversion/egg mass (P<0,01) and feed conversion/egg dozen (P<0,01). It wasnt observed to significant effect (P>0,05) to energy intake lysine intake, methionine + cystine intake, egg production, marketable egg, egg mass, energy efficiency/egg mass, energy efficiency/egg dozen, weight gain and quail viability. To egg quality was observed only significant difference (P<0,01) in the specific gravity. A significant effect wasnt observed (P>0,05) to yolk weight, yolk percentage, albumen weight, albumen percentage, shell weight, shell percentage, egg diameter and egg height. It was concluded that the diet with 2900 and 2800 Kcal ME/Kg result better feed conversion/egg mass and feed conversion/egg dozen in laying Japanese quail when maintain the ME : lysine digestible ration. In the second experiment was conducted with the objective to evaluate the effect of the use of soya oil diet in the performance and egg quality to laying Japanese quail. In the experiment were used 160 Japanese quails with 55 days old until 160 days ago. A complete randomized experimental design was used with two treatments, eight replicates and ten quail per experimental unit. The two diets were formulated with corn, soybean meal and wheat meal and diets were 2700 Kcal ME/Kg levels. The oils diet was 3,25% of soya oil (energy) and 3,17% wash sand (inert). In the other diet, the soya oil and the wash sand were change per 5% of the starch (energy and inert). To performance quails, the use of oil in the diet increase the weight egg (P<0,05) and it better (P<0,05) the feed conversion/mass egg and energy efficiency/mass egg. The use of oil didnt influence the energy intake (P<0,05), lysine intake (P<0,05), and methionine+cystine intake (P<0,05). It wasnt observed of egg production (P<0,05), egg mass (P<0,05), egg marketable (P>0,05), feed conversion/dozen (P>0,05), energy efficiency/dozen (P>0,05), weight gain (P>0,05) and quail viability (P>0,05). To the parameter of the egg quality, the use of the oil only increase the yolk weight (P<0,01). The use of the oil didnt influence (P>0,05) yolk percentage, albumen weight, albumen percentage, shell weight, shell percentage, specific gravity, egg diameter and egg height. It was concluded that the use of oil diet in the Japanese quail get better feed conversion and the energy efficiency and it increase the egg weight and the yolk weight.


nutrition codorna lisina metabolizable energy lysine quail coturmex coturmex japonica nutrição energia metabolizável nutricao e alimentacao animal coturmex coturmex japonica

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