Evaluation of the quality of wooden plates through a fuzzy inference system based in adaptative networks. / Avaliação da qualidade de placas de madeira através de um sistema de interferência nebuloso baseado em redes adaptativas.




Automatic visual inspection is an important task for industrial productivity. It could be applied for quality control or for replacing manual work under dangerous or repetitive activity. The classification stage in quality control of the industrial production is often based on the human knowledge. It seems, therefore, to be a great concern to supply an automated visual inspection system with fuzzy or ambiguous data. The Neuro-Fuzzy system is a good way to do this. The objective of this work is to develop a new approach for the classification of wooden plates used in the pencil production. This new method is based on two neural networks, each one working with just an input feature. The results of neural networks are combined through fuzzy logic giving the system a greater discriminating power than those that use traditional methods. The proposed method is characterized by being agile, repetitive, with a defined classification pattern and having low cost.


pattern classification automatic visual inspection classificação de padrões texture classification neural networks lógica nebulosa classificação textura inspeção visual automática fuzzy logic redes neurais

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