Evaluation of the relationship amongst the working groove angulation of artificial teeth and the orientation plane and the vertical rotation axis of mandibular lateral translation in the articulator / Avaliação da angulação do sulco de trabalho de dentes artificiais em relação ao plano de orientação e ao eixo de rotação vertical de lateralidade da mandíbula no articulador




In prosthetic rehabilitation, occlusion and mandibular movements are closely linked. Harmony between these factors is essential for treatment success. One of the main concepts approached when aiming for this goal is the relationship between teeth grooves and cuspids and mandibular movements, where cuspids must not touch grooves during these movements. Therefore, the present study proposes to evaluate the degree of coincidence of the working groove angulation from the artificial mandibular first molar, when positioned on the arch, with the trajectory traced by the mesio-palatal cuspid from the maxillary first molar during mandibular lateral translation determined by the vertical axis rotation in a semi-adjustable articulator. To identify this trajectory, the author utilized a graphical editing program. It was possible to evaluate digital images from artificial teeth mounted on wax for mandibular complete dentures, and their respective orientation planes positioned on the articulator. Through these images, the author located the working groove from the mandibular first molar, the trajectory described by the mesio-palatal cuspid from the maxillary first molar considering the vertical axis rotation at the center of the condilar spheres, and the perpendicular to the tangent of orientation plane. Thus, the angle between the perpendicular to the tangent and working groove and the angle between the trajectory of the vertical axis rotation and the working groove were measured. The results showed some cases where the working groove coincided with the perpendicular to the tangent of the orientation plane. In the remaining cases, the angulation displayed low mean values, illustrating that the mounting of artificial teeth followed the parameters adopted for the orientation plane according to the proposed technique. The distance between condoles did not significantly interfere in the mean values for the angles between the working groove and the trajectory of the vertical axis rotation. The coincidence between the working groove and the trajectory of the vertical axis rotation was not observed, indicating that, during the lateral translation movement in the articulator, there is interference in the trajectory of the maxillary first molar mesio-palatal cuspid.


sulco de trabalho dente artificial artificial teeth working groove plano de orientação orientation plane movimentos mandibulares complete denture mandibular movements prótese total

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