Evidence for a Set of Closely Linked Autosomal Genes That Interact with Sex-Chromosome Heterochromatin in DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER


It is proposed that there exists a special region in the euchromatin of the left arm of chromosome 2 (contained within sections 31–32 of the standard salivary gland chromosome map) that is defined by a set of genes, each one of which interacts with a specific sex-chromosome heterochromatic segment. The evidence for the existence of this region is, first, the exhibition, mapping, and analysis of five different maternal-effect, embryonic semi-lethals located in region 31–32. Secondly, in each case the consequence of the maternal effect is markedly influenced by the amount of X- or Y-chromosome heterochromatin carried by the progeny of mutant mothers. The nature of this interaction and possible reasons for the existence of the cluster of autosomal genes are discussed.

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