Evidence that a regulatory gene autoregulates splicing of its transcript.


Expression of the presumptive regulatory gene, suppressor-of-white-apricot [su(wa)], is controlled at the level of splicing. Results reported here indicate that this control represents autorepression of su(wa) expression. Specifically, reverse genetic studies demonstrate that the 3.5 kb mature su(wa) RNA (produced by removal of seven introns) is a message essential for su(wa)+ function and indicate that the abundant 4.4 kb and 5.2 kb mature su(wa) RNAs (resulting when the first or first and second of the seven introns are not removed) are, unexpectedly, byproducts of repression of production of the functional 3.5 kb RNA. Moreover, several experiments indicate that this repression of splices necessary to produce the 3.5 kb RNA is dependent on the translation product of the 3.5 kb RNA itself. We propose that this regulatory gene autoregulates its expression by controlling splicing of its primary transcript.

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