Evidências da satisfação no trabalho com base nas demonstrações financeiras publicadas / Evidences of job satisfaction based in published financial statements




Companies are becoming increasingly concerned about issues such as motivation, organizational climate and job satisfaction, as these aspects can represent true competitive advantages, also influencing the companys very performance. On the other hand, Financial Accounting has contributed little or nothing to the development of tools or models for the evidencing or measuring of these subjects. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to verify whether Financial Accounting, through the published financial statements of companies, can contribute in the evidencing of employees job satisfaction. To this effect, the study seeks to test whether published financial statements can be a relevant source of information relating to job satisfaction, thus promoting greater integration of Financial Accounting with people management. The data used in the survey was provided by FIA and by FIPECAFI (Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras), bases utilized for the preparation of the magazines 150 Melhores Empresas para Trabalhar and Melhores e Maiores as 500 Maiores Empresas do País, respectively. The study considers 19 variables that are both quantitative and qualitative, and the statistical model of logistic regression is applied with the objective of determining the likelihood of a given company belonging to the group of companies awarded in the survey conducted by FIA, adopting the assumption that said award-winning companies had favorable organizational climate and job satisfaction. The models considering all the variables simultaneously and by the stepwise method were not approved in all the logistic regression assumptions. Alternatively, a model is shown that observes all these assumptions, but that only considered the variables (i) employee-created wealth, (ii) expenses with salary and charges by employee, (iii) stock option program, (iv) awards obtained by the company, (v) own environmental management programs and (vi) controlling interest. In spite of its low predictive power, the above mentioned model suggests that there are signs that financial statements can be a source of information relating to the issue of job satisfaction of company employees.


contabilidade financeira financial accounting demonstrações contábeis satisfação no trabalho job satisfaction motivação motivation

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