Expectativa média de vida, morbidades e desempenho escolar para idade, de crianças que estiveram internadas na unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica da Santa Casa de Maringá, após no mínimo cinco anos da alta da UTI pediátrica / Average life expectancy, morbidity and school performance of children, five years after discharge from PICU




The development of Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU) increased the survival of critically ill patients, now discharged from PICU, and consequently, increased the number of chronic diseases and sequelae. The purpose of this study is to identify whether there was a decrease of average life expectancy of children after five years of discharge from PICU, what types of co morbidities present and identify changes in school performance, noting if they need regular or special school, the failure rates and dropout, correlating them with socioeconomic status, disease hospitalization and type of care provided, public or private, at the time of admission. The research began by identifying the children admitted to the PICU at Santa Casa de Maringá, which has mixed attendance (SUS AND NON SUS) since, at the time of admission, presented more than twenty-eight days old, stayed in hospital for more than 24 hours and not died during hospitalization. After selection, we applied two questionnaires, the first related to the hospital, with personal and clinical data, and the second applied to childrens families found five years after discharge. We found 84% of the sample, with survival rate of 88% and 98% for NO SUS and SUS, respectively. We observed that 35% of children are at special school and 18% of them with motor sequelae. In the remaining children, the failure rate is about 45%, with 5% of dropout


baixo rendimento escolar cobertura de serviços privados de saúde cobertura de serviços públicos de saúde cognition disorders desempenho psicomotor desnutrição educational status escolaridade malnutrition mortalidade mortality pais parents pediatric intensive care unit private health care coverage psychomotor performance sobrevida state health care coverage survival transtornos cognitivos underarchievement unidade de terapia intensiva

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