Experimental Genital Infection of Male Guinea Pigs with the Agent of Guinea Pig Inclusion Conjunctivitis and Transmission to Females


Male guinea pigs were inoculated intraurethrally with the agent of guinea pig inclusion conjunctivitis (Gp-ic). Cytoplasmic inclusions were found in superficial epithelial cells of the urethra in smears and stained sections. Gp-ic antigen(s) was detected by immunofluorescent staining of sections. There was no marked urethral exudate, but many animals developed bullous lesions on the glans and the body of the penis and a severe inflammatory lesion of the hind leg. All males demonstrated an antibody response and most of them showed a positive skin test reaction. Venereal transmission to females of Gp-ic infection was shown to occur as determined by detection of inclusions in vaginal smears, antibody response, and positive skin tests.

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