Explorando a dinâmica da produção de serviços de manutenção industrial : uma abordagem sistêmica




The search for maximum return on investment over the assets of a production process requires high performing industrial facilities. A highly competitive global economy context demands management processes focused on product quality and customer satisfaction. For these reasons, many firms choose to outsource its maintenance functions. Under such conditions, inefficient contract management practices affect all parties involved, frequently causing financial losses and undermining employee motivation. Such inefficiency might ultimately affect the decision of transferring the outsourced work to another provider who, in turn, might face similar problems and the cycle repeats. Under the scientific purview of the System Dynamics approach, this study created a model useful in helping to understand the generic characteristics of current practices, values, parameters as well as potential conflict points of maintenance contract management. Along these lines, the study focused on the analysis of the current system structure of a real maintenance firm, which provided a realistic background for the entire discussion. Guided by the System Dynamics modeling methodology, causal loop diagrams are develop in order to explore the main qualitative relationships among system elements. Such relationships are then further deployed by means of causal loop diagrams with stocks and flows. From this point, a mathematical model was developed and tested through numerical simulation, serving as a baseline for alternative future scenarios evaluation. The results obtained should be of special interest to maintenance contract managers and have allowed initial insight into potential improvement actions capable of affecting desired system performance. In generic terms, the model created can also be used to support the identification and specification of improvement alternatives of similar service providing systems.


prestação de serviços engenharia de producao fábricas - manutenção engenharia de sistemas indústria de serviços - administração

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