Extração de oleos volateis e outros compostos com CO2 supercritico : desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de aumento de escala a partir da modelagem matematica do processo e avaliação dos extratos obtidos / Extration of volateis oils and other composites with Co2 supercriticize : development of a methodology of increase of scale from the matematica modeling of the process and evaluation of gotten extracts




The recovery of extracts from vegetable raw materials with supercritical technology was studied, in order to optimize the process and quality of the products. Three plants were submitted to extraction processes with supercritical carbon dioxide: clove, spiked pepper and vetiver. The yields and compositions of the products obtained by supecritical fluid extraction were compared to those achieved with conventional methods, such as hydrodistillation and extraction with organic solvents. The yields were higher in supercritical fluid extraction and with organic solvent than in hydrosistillation, because in these methods non-volatile and hydrophobic compounds may be obtained. The kintics of supercritical fluid extraction was studied, in order to establish scale-up methods: keeping constant some relations and process parameters, we attempted to reproduce in large scale extraction curves obtained in a 5 mL column. By keeping the residence time constant, scale-up was succesful for clove oil extraction. For spiked pepper and vetiver some operational problems avoided the evaluation of the scale-up trials. The valorization of vetiver extracts by chemical transformations was performed, and resulted in the increasing of the Brazilian vetiver oil quality to applications in perfume industry. This quality was confirmed by chemical and sensory analysis. Some pre-treatment techniques on vetiver roots were tested in order to increase hydrodistillation yield, but no increase was observed.


essences and essential oils essencias e oleos essenciais supercritical fluid extraction mathematical models modelos matematicos extração com fluido supercritico

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