FAVIHC Framework de Avaliação da Interação Humano-Computador / FAVIHC - Framework de AValiação da Interação Humano Computador




In order to implement a software development process following certain quality constraints, which must be observed by the involved professionals (namely developers, customers, users and designers), it is paramount that those professionals interact. Such an interaction is necessary in order to design, build and evaluate the software. Moreover, the evaluation of software considering several aspects could be realized from its inception to its release date. In fact, aspects like functionality, usability, interactivity, communicability and so on and so forth, might be evaluated whenever there is enough interactivity amongst the players involved in the products development cycle. The aforementioned aspects are considered to be requirements of the software to be developed by areas like: software engineering, usability engineering, semiotics engineering, and user experience. Actually, those requirements rise in general from the customer needs, and they might direct the solutions involved in the software design. In order to ease the development of solutions better suited for the customer needs, it has been proposed a conceptual framework to evaluate the human-computer interaction in those solutions; this conceptual tool is denoted FAVIHC. It supports the evaluation of interactive software under the viewpoint of the following aspects: needs, design solutions, requirements, products and systems. In fact, the framework is based in the quality model proposed by the ISO/IEC 9126 standard, which recommends that the quality of software should be based in the following measures of quality: internal quality, external quality and usability quality. The proposed framework has been applied in an interactive digital TV study case. It has been observed that the tool favors an awake of the user awareness and of their needs, since the beginning of the software life cycle; it also favors the usage of a multidisciplinary team. Besides that, it supports different evaluation teams evaluating different aspects, which might consider not only functional attributes, like the ones in software engineering, but also interactive, usability and communicability ones, like supported by usability, semiotics engineering, and user experience. Keywords: Verification, Validation and Human Computer Interaction.


interface homem-mÁquina - dissertaÇÕes usabilidade de software - dissertaÇÕes sistemas de informacao software - dissertaÇÕes

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