Firearm violence in California. Information and ideas for creating change.


Homicides have been on the rise in California in recent years, almost entirely as a result of increased firearm activity, resulting in one of the highest homicide rates in the country. With increasing morbidity and mortality from guns, health care professionals have called the situation an epidemic. In the past decade, attention from the health care profession has resulted in a new focus on the public health issues surrounding firearms. There is considerable confusion among policy makers regarding what should be done to stem firearm violence. I discuss morbidity and mortality trends, academic research, and legal issues surrounding firearm violence, affording insight into the seriousness and complexity of this rapidly growing problem and providing policy ideas for addressing the role of firearms. Such policy ideas include removal of the California Legislature's preemptive authority on firearms licensing and registration; the formation of an information and advisory body within the California Department of Health; increased liability for manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and owners; and a statewide registration system.

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