Floristic and structural dynamics in riparian forests at Paranapanema valley (1992-2004) / Modificações na estrutura e composição florística de matas ciliares na região do médio Paranapanema (1992-2004)




The riparian forest dynamics (1992-2004) has been characterized in two distinct major vegetation types: Cerrado (Campestre stream) and seasonal semideciduous forest (Aldeia stream), under the same climatic condition. Thirty permanent plots (10 x 10 m each, a total area of 3,000 M POT.2 ) were surveyed in each site, and all trees with 5 cm minimum diameter (DBH) were mapped and measured. The Campestre riparian forest (Cerrado region) is located at Assis Ecological Station (1760.64 ha, Assis municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil) and the Aldeia riparian forest (seasonal semideciduous forest) is actually a small fragment (2 ha) at Berrante farm (Tarumã municipality, São Paulo State). Both streams are primary contributors of the Paranapanema watershed. The density was reduced and an increase of basal area, richness and diversity was observed in the Campestre riparian forest (Cerrado region). Three species were eliminated from the community and ten species appear in these twelve years. Mortality and recruitment rates for this forest were respectively 2.50%/yr and 1.18%/yr. The maximum DBH recorded was 36 cm and the mean annual increment in DBH was 0,19 cm. Analyzing the dynamics at the Aldeia riparian forest (seasonal semideciduous forest) a slight reduction in basal area, a strong reduction in richness and diversity and a reasonable reduction in density were recorded in twelve years. Nine species were extinguished from the community and only one recruited. The maximum DBH recorded was 115 cm and the mean annual increment in DBH was 0,20 cm. A high mortality rate (3.49%/yr) and a similar recruitment rate (1.17%/yr) were observed in the Aldeia riparian forest, in comparison with the Campestre one. Remarkable differences in structure and dynamics between forests were observed. Such differences influenced the dynamic processes. Gaps, for instance, were just observed at Aldeia riparian forest, when the big trees fell down. The death of the small trees in the Cerrado region do not create gaps, since they rarely fall down. The basal area has been increasing at Campestre riparian forest (Cerrado region) and recruited species are most typical forest species, indicating that this community has becoming more similar to that located at the seasonal forest region. The richness increasing at Campestre and reducing at Aldeia riparian forest seems to be better explained by the fragmentation than by other environmental conditions or major vegetation type.


dinâmica mata ciliar recrutamento cerrado mortality mortalidade cerrado floresta estacional semidecidual dynamics recruitment riparian forests seasonal semideciduous forest

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