Fontes de crescimento e sistema produtivo da orizicultura no Mato Grosso. / Sources of growth and the productive system of rice crops in the state of Mato Grosso.




The current study aims to describe the rice production system and to quantify its sources of growth in the state of Mato Grosso, while competing with cotton, corn and soybean crops, between 1980 and 2001. Great technological advances have been observed in upland rice growing, reducing productive differences between the upland and the irrigated rice. In face of these changes and the lack of information regarding the upland rice, studies showing these alterations in a systematized way are required. The shift-share approach was used to measure the sources of growth of agricultural activities, having as determining factors of production increase the area, yield, crop combination and geographical location effects. Changes in the cultivated area were quantified by the scale and substitution effects, in the individual analysis by culture. Cotton, corn, soybean and rice were the cultures studied, with emphasis to the last one. They were chosen due to the large degree of competition with rice in the utilization of the agricultural area. Despite the strong relation between rice and pastures, they were not included in this study. It is due to the lack of information regarding the area and the yield of pastures in those micro-regions, during the analyzed period. It was observed that the upland rice still has a stigma of opening up rural areas, for domestication of land and following substitution by soybean plantation or pasture. Rice growing is also related to pasture recovery and soybean rotation. Its relation with corn and cotton growing, in turn, is not as direct. Some obstacles to the development of rice cultivation in the state of Mato Grosso were detected. As examples: the insufficient supply of seeds; varietal mixture problems in the major variety cultivated in the state; the lack of drying and storage structures for the growers, which hampers commercialization. All of the cultures analyzed registered an increase of production from 1980 to 2001. Rice production grew at an annual average rate of 2.4%, due to yield and geographical location effects, while the area effect was negative by 0.99% per year. Rice was the only culture that transferred agricultural area to the others (208,003 ha) in the eighties. The crop combination (4.56% per year) and the area (4.04% per year) effects were the most important effects in the explanation of production value growth of these crops, from 1980 to 2000, in Mato Grosso. Yield and geographical location effects were also positives. These results indicate that the production value growth derives from an alteration in crops combination – when the plantation is substituted or the area cultivated with a more profitable culture is expanded. It derives, as well, from the aggregation of new areas, as observed in the nineties. The increase of yield (3.83% per year) indicates the growth of these crops productiveness. The geographical location effect (0.72% per year) denotes a move of the cultivation to regions that present better growing conditions, as soil and weather conditions.


vegetable growth economic competition soja competição econômica corn economic geography modelos matemáticos milho rice crops agricultural industry (economics) algodão cotton indústria agrícola (economia) mathematical models soy crescimento vegetal geografia econômica rizicultura

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