Foreign language : between the demand to know and the fear to be / Lingua estrangeira : entre a demanda de saber e o medo de ser




This paper is a reflection about the difficulties in learning a foreign language. The theory underlying this reflection is the one which considers the language as the responsible for structuring the subject and for this reason considers the relationship between the mother tongue and the foreign language very important during the learning of the latter. The difficulty is considered as something that prevents the learning to take place and is thought as something that is previous to the possibility of making "mistakes". We believe that the student who makes "mistakes" is able to speak the language, in a certain way. We try to reflect about what is put in motion when a certain subject is confronted with the learning of a foreign language. We consider that the relationship that the student establishes with the foreign language reveals traits of his/her unconscious relationship of his/her inscription in the mother tongue connected with what it is considered of great importance to the subject. To speak the mother tongue it was necessary what Freud called as primary identification. We believe that to speak a foreign language it will be necessary that the subject identifies himself/herself with the foreign language. In order to be able to speak a foreign language the subject must be able to keep the mother tongue repressed. The mother tongue will always be present in a latent way. The position of the speaker, which was conquered in the process of learning the mother tongue, will never be forgotten


dificuldade de aprendizagem lingua materna lingua estrangeira mother tongue sujeito subject structured by language learning difficulty foreign language

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