Formação inicial de trabalhadores e elevação da escolaridade: políticas públicas de qualificação profissional em discussão (1963-2011) / Initial formation of workers and schooling elevation: public policies of vocational qualification in discussion (1963-2011).


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The initial formation of workers, inserted in a bigger group of vocational education, understood as a modality of education established by the National Law of Directives and Basis, exempts of any prior schooling, becoming the only possibility for any vocational training for those who doesn\ t have a complete elementary school. The problematic of this thesis is based on the relationship between vocational training and schooling elevation, which is analyzed using four federal public policies of vocational training implemented in the last fifty years in Brazil: Intensive Program for Preparation of Hand Labor (1963-1982), National Plan of Vocational Qualification (1996-2002), Qualification Plan (2003-) and National Program of Vocational Education with Young and Adults, in the initial and continued formation with Elementary School (2006-). The evaluation of the public policies made by the analysis of the legislation and bibliographic sources turns mainly by its implementation process in the categories of vocational qualification and vocational training, those are contributions of the intellectual production of the French sociologist Pierre Naville. The thesis results in an integrate synthesis which, among other elements, proposes a classification of the public policies of vocational qualification based in two criteria: the relationship between the vocational training and the schooling elevation (the thesis problem) and the process of its politics implementation.


elevação da escolaridade formação profissional políticas públicas public policies qualificação profissional schooling elevation vocational qualification vocational training

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