Formation and function of Vibrio parahaemolyticus lateral flagella.


Formation of the lateral flagella (L-flagella) of Vibrio parahaemolyticus was studied immunologically, using specific antiserum against L-flagella. On solid medium, L-flagella were formed at both high (37 degrees C) and low (25 degrees C) temperatures, although at high temperatures they became dissociated from the cells and decomposed in the medium. L-flagella were not formed in liquid or soft-agar medium. Formation of L-flagella was decreased by lowering the pH of the medium and repressed by transferring the cells from solid medium to liquid medium. Mutants possessing L-flagella but not a polar monotrichous flagellum (M-flagellum) swarmed on solid medium, whereas mutants were grown on solid medium and then transfered to liquid medium, the cells oscillated until they lost L-flagella. It is postulated that L-flagella are locomotive organelles on solid medium and in some cases also in liquid medium, whereas M-flagella are locomotive organelles only in liquid medium.

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