Formation of the speech-language and hearing pathologist: challenges and perspectives for inclusive education. / A formação do fonoaudiólogo: desafios e perspectivas para a educação inclusiva




Following the line of research of University, Teaching and Formation of Teachers, the objective of this study is to promote reflection about the formation of the speech-language and hearing pathologist for working together with Inclusive Education of deficient children. Data was collected by means of documental analysis and semi-structured interviews with the Director and graduated students of the Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology Course of a university. Being a qualitative study, discussion of dada was conducted along thematic lines within a socio-historical perspective The results of the study indicate that the fact of speech-language and hearing pathologist actuation in Inclusive Education is something recent and is still little explored but it continues to be studied at a slow pace in academic and scientific circles.


history of speech-language and hearing sciences história da fonoaudiologia inclusive education formação do fonoaudiólogo educacao formation of the speech-language and hearing pathologist educação inclusiva

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