From groups formation to collective actions: an analysis with groups of teenagers from the rural sitting on the Ipanema farm – Iperó – SP. / Da formação de grupos à ação coletiva: uma análise com grupos de jovens do assentamento rural da fazenda Ipanema - Iperó-SP.




The main aim of this dissertation was analyzing the process of formation of the JUMAFI (Teenagers United for the Mobilization of the Ipanema Farm), group of teenagers from the rural sitting on the Ipanema Farm, located in the city of Iperó, in São Paulo state, motivated by the search for alternatives of environmentally and socially sustainable income generation, under the light of the Environmental Education. Thus, I concluded that there is a necessity of building an analysis from a starting view of complementing of actions, from the comprehension of the logics of collective actions from social groups in the community and from a behavioral analysis about the initiatives and the history of the local groups formation, the collective experiences and, mainly, through the experience gathered by the teenagers in the organization of the JUMAFI. I centered my analysis in the notion of social>participation and organization, analyzing the groups formation and the aspects of daily life. Using elements from the qualitative social research, and other procedures of participative research, I performed the attendance in the development of these groups, for collecting the elements that favor or prevent the collective action in groups of teenagers, seeking to realize the strength and opportunities seen by them in the collective work. This research is divided in two parts: Part 1 – referred to the participative observation moment and interviews, when there was a contact with the teenagers from the sitting, the beginning of the involvement, the formation of JUMAFI and, also, all the group’s action planning; and Part 2 – moment of attendance of the JUMAFI development, moment of the teenagers’ action, of the ideas management, for putting into practice the planned activities. On the first part, the large group (JUMAFI) showed great difficulty in dealing with the collective work, in putting into practice the planned activities for the group, likewise keeping the living together and the frequency on the meetings between the members of the group. Some aspects like confidence, affectivity, affinity and respect were the elements identified by them as fundamental for the success of a work like that. On the second part of the research, though JUMAFI group has decided to keep the search for income generation activities, there was an emphasis to a new format, through small groups of affinity and living together. Concluding, it was possible to notice that the group size and the living together aspects have a strong influence on the formation, organization and collective space management aspects, like the way the individuals notice the nature and establish their ties of respect and affection. The work with groups of teenagers and the small groups format favor the group participation, provide a stronger sense of responsibility at work, favor the voluntary organization, the affective ties and changing, making room for a more democratic participation, favoring the participants autonomy and the formation of new leaderships in the community. The groups organize themselves for the self-expression, allowing a greater changing among the participants and a higher level of frankness about the feelings connected to the collective participation. Besides, this kind of organization can favor the articulate action at the community level, allowing a network action. The methodological arrangement, using elements of the participative and qualitative research, favored the teenagers participation, allowing a bigger commitment of the participants to the research. Having in mind these results, I reflected about the role of social intervention in Environmental Education works, concluding that these interventions must be supported by a theoretical referential, elaborated based on the field necessities, being the way for the implementation of an educational process and not only a punctual intervention in field. Finally, I conclude that the Environmental Education, based on a practical and theoretical basis, can be the area of knowledge able to contribute effectively for the process of autonomy and management for groups of teenagers in search of opportunities on the rural, social and environmental sustainable field.


land reform ecologia (educação) environmental education grupos sociais organização social reforma agrária social groups social organization

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