From invisibility to the construction of their own citizenship: obstacles, strategies and achievements of the social movement of disabled people in Brazil, through the life stories of their leaders / Da invisibilidade à construção da própria cidadania: os obstáculos, as estratégias e as conquistas do movimento social das pessoas com deficiência no Brasil, através das histórias de vida de seus líderes




On the period between 1975-85, society sectors, such as workers, women, colored and homosexual persons have mobilized for rights and against discrimination. (GOHN, 2003, p. 113-125). On the same occasion, disabled persons, till then invisible, have also organized in a national movement in order to claim not only for rights, but, also, for acknowledgment of their existence. Under the theoretical perspective of Oral History, the purpose of this project is unveiling the strategies, the yearnings, the difficulties, the conquests, and the future perspectives of this movement. Oral History is concerned with and has a social commitment marked by the voice of the excluded; it also has as basis recognizing the citizenship of oppressed groups" and "instrumenting the struggles for human rights on democratic states". (MEIHY, 2005, p. 238) Thus, on this project, the use of Oral History precepts, aims giving voice to those who have never talked by themselves, and recognizing disabled persons as subjects of their own history and not as objects of study. The destination community studied is the disability condition and what it means in a society that is unaware of the disabled persons rights. The interviewed colony, formed by the movement leaders, is divided into two networks: participants of disabled persons organizations and participants of organizations that render services to those persons. Both groups may have disabled or able-bodied persons. The oral life history gathers experiences that are subjective to social contexts and, in such a manner it is singularly suitable to the analysis and interpretation. You see, it makes it possible understanding the historical part of the individual phenomena and an individual portion of the historical one. The analysis shall be done from the set of the interviews. It is from the dialogue among them that the meanings shall emerge. The academic importance of this work is contributing for the disabled persons empowerment and cooperating in order that next generations of Brazilian citizens, whether disabled or able-bodied, are more equipped for persevering on the construction of an inclusive society.


direitos disabled people pessoas deficientes cidadania movimento rights citizenship movement deficiência disability

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