Further mapping of IS2 and IS3 in the lac-purE region of the Escherichia coli K-12 genome: structure of the F-prime ORF203.


The sequence organization of the F-prime ORF203 was determined by heteroduplex analysis. This large, type II F-prime (Scaife, 1967) contains lac, proC, and purE genes derived from the W1485 subline of Escherichia coli K-12. The IS3 and IS2 elements previously found in the lac-proC-purE region derived from the 58-161 subline (Hu et al., 1975) are also present in the same locations in the bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from the W1485 subline. Recombination between the IS2 region of F and an IS2 element located between lac and proC on the bacterial DNA apparently led to the formation of the perental Hfr, OR21. IS2 is thus directly repeated, with one copy of each element appearing at each of the two junctions between F and the bacterial sequences on ORF203. The F plasmid is found together with ORF203 in the plasmid DNA, and this probably forms from ORF203 by recombination between the directly repeated IS2 elements. ORF203 appears to have been excised from the Hfr chromosome by recombination between the IS3 sequence alpha3beta3 located counterclockwise of lac and the directly repeated IS3 sequence alpha4beta4 located clockwise of purE.

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