"Ganhamos a batalha, mas não a guerra: a visão da Campanha Nacional contra a Alca sobre a não-assinatura do acordo




This paper reflects on the political workings of contemporary social movements based on the National Campaign against the FTAA, a network of civil society organizations established with the goal of preventing the signing of the Free Trade Area of the Americas. The paper shows how this at once local and global movement integrates the Movement for a New Globalization - this being the broad category analyzed in this study. Based on a discussion of the concepts social movement social movement network and radical democracy, it demonstrates how this contemporary social movement recovers the public sphere through its actions. It furthermore analyzes the Popular Plebiscite on the FTAA, which obtained more than 10 million votes, and presents it as one of these actions, which according the representatives of the Campaign had a greater influence on the Brazilian governments position against the agreement than the Parliament itself. In order to write this paper an empirical study was conducted using the following methodological procedures: participant observation, semi-structured individual interviews, focal groups and documentary research. A total of 72 people were interviewed distributed in 28 individual interviews and 7 groups with 44 members.


ftaa democracia radical plebiscito popular movimento social alca sociologia social movement popular plebiscite radical democracy

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