Genetic and Physical Analysis of the M26 Recombination Hotspot of Schizosaccharomyces Pombe


The ade6-M26 mutation of Schizosaccharomyces pombe has previously been reported to stimulate ade6 intragenic meiotic recombination. We report here that the ade6-M26 mutation is a single G -> T nucleotide change, that M26 stimulated recombination within ade6 but not at other distant loci, and that M26 stimulated meiotic but not mitotic recombination. In addition, M26 stimulated recombination within ade6 when M26 is homozygous; this result demonstrates that a base-pair mismatch at the M26 site was not required for the stimulation. These results are consistent with the ade6-M26 mutation creating a meiotic recombination initiation site.

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