Genetic control of natural immunity to ecotropic mouse leukemia viruses: production of endogenous immunogen.


Mice of the AKR and C57L strains naturally produced low titers of antibody against ecotropic murine leukemia viruses (MuLV). The F1 hybrid of these strains produced anti-MuLV antibody in higher titer than mice of either of the parental strains. Progeny of the genetic backcross C57L X (AKR X C57L)F1 segregated for the production of infectious ecotropic MuLV (according to the Akv-1 and Akv-2 loci) and for the production of antibody against MuLV. All mice that contained infectious MuLV produced anti-MuLV antibodies. Thus, the persistent production of high-titered MuLV in these mice did not result in immunological tolerance towards viral antigens. In contrast, mice that did not contain infectious MuLV could be separated into antibody-producing and -nonproducing classes. The absence of detectable antibody to MuLV in an individual mouse was invariably associated with a virus-free phenotype. Antibody against MuLV reacted primarily with p15 and gp70 proteins of the viral envelope. It was concluded that overt production of endogenous ecotropic MuLV served as a major immunogenic stimulus for the production of anti-MuLV antibody in these mice.

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