Genetic interaction between the beta' subunit of RNA polymerase and the arginine-rich domain of Escherichia coli nusA protein.


The nusA11 mutation causes reduced transcription termination and temperature-sensitive growth of Escherichia coli. Suppressor mutations that restored growth of nusA11 mutant cells were isolated and named sna mutations. The intergenic suppressor mutation sna-10 was located in the rpoC gene at 90 min, which encodes the beta' subunit of RNA polymerase. sna-10 complemented the defect in tR1 termination caused by nusA11 and by itself stimulated termination of transcription at the lambda tR1 terminator. sna-10 is specific to the nusA11 allele and unable to suppress cold-sensitive growth of the nusA10 mutant. nusA10 carried two base substitutions at positions 311 and 634, causing two amino acid changes from the wild-type sequence. During these studies, we found three -1 frameshift errors in the wild-type nusA sequence; the correct sequence was confirmed by the peptide sequence and gene fusion analyses. The revised sequence revealed that nusA1 and nusA11 are located in an arginine-rich peptide region and substitute arginine and aspartate for leucine 183 and glycine 181, respectively. The intragenic suppressor study indicated that the nusA11 mutation can be suppressed by changing the mutated aspartate 181 to alanine or changing aspartate 84 to tyrosine.

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