Genome of Bacillus subtilis Bacteriophage SPP1: Structure and Nucleotide Sequence of pac, the Origin of DNA Packaging


The DNA of Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SPP1 is terminally redundant and partially circularly permuted. To explain these parameters, we followed the Streisinger-Botstein models of phage maturation and assumed that packaging of SPP1 DNA begins at a unique genomic site (“pac”) and proceeds sequentially from there. We describe the sequence of about 1,000 nucleotides surrounding pac. This together with size determinations of small, pac-terminated restriction fragments has revealed heterogeneity of the natural pac ends of SPP1 DNA. Such ends fell in each DNA strand into a region of five to seven nucleotides. However, within this range more than 50% of all molecules terminated with defined cytosines on both strands, generating a 3′ protruding terminus. The nucleotide sequence of the DNA segment surrounding pac did not reveal any features which would distinguish this region.

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