Geodermatophilus, a New Genus of the Dermatophilaceae (Actinomycetales)


Organisms having a complex life cycle similar to the animal pathogen Dermatophilus congolensis have been isolated from soils of the United States. The soil isolates grow readily on agar media producing a black, friable, or sooty colony; in broth, the isolates produce a thick sediment with a clear supernatant fluid and occasionally a black surface pellicle. The generic taxon Geodermatophilus is proposed for these soil isolates. Geodermatophilus differs morphologically from Dermatophilus in thallus shape, ensheathment, and branching, and physiologically in respect to blood hemolysis, casein hydrolysis, carbohydrate utilization, acid production, and media requirements. The type species proposed is G. obscurus. Three subspecies are recognized.

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