Germination, vigor and growth of two common bean cultivars in salt solutions / Germinação, vigor e crescimento de duas cultivares de feijoeiro em soluções salinas




Salt accumulation in soils is a frequent event in arid or semi-arid regions, where the evapotranspiration is high and the low precipitation is insufficient to promote leaching of the salt excess from the soil profile. Under such conditions the crop yields are reduced in response to osmotic effects, to the toxicity of specific ions in the soil solution or to a joint effect of these factors. Three trials with the common bean cultivars Diamante Negro and OPNS 331 were performed to isolate the effects caused by the high salt concentrations in the solution and to verify responses to osmotic pressure, to sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, and to pH. The treatments consisted of NaNO3, NaCl, NaHCO3, KNO3, KCl, or KHCO3 solutions, and a control treatment in which the seeds were germinated in deionized water and the plants grown in normal nutrient solution. In the first trial, germination and vigor were studied in 6 dS/m solutions. In the second, germination and vigor were studied in 60 mmol/L solutions and growth in a nutrient solution enriched with salts at the indicated concentration; the pH of the control and the nitrate and chloride solutions was maintained at 5.5, and that of the bicarbonate solutions at 8.5. In the third, the seeds were germinated in deionized water and the plantlets transplanted to a nutrient solution enriched with 60 mmol/L salts at the indicated pH values. In this trial, a treatment was added in which the pH of the nutrient solution with NaCl was raised to 8.5 to coincide with the bicarbonate solutions. The effect of sodium chloride was thus tested at the two indicated pH values. Based on the results, the conclusion was drawn that the harmful effects caused by high salt concentrations and pH, in both common bean varieties under study, can be ranked in the order: osmotic pressure >alkalinity >bicarbonate ≈ chloride >sodium.


phaseolus vulgaris nutrient solution solução nutritiva seleção de materiais genéticos genetic material selection ciencia do solo phaseolus vulgaris

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