Gestão de resíduos sólidos na Escola Estadual Corina de Oliveira e criação de um precedente em Uberaba




The study pursued the objective to create a precedent of solid waste management in the school universe of the city of Uberaba. The experiment was carried out in the state school Corina de Oliveira. Students, teachers and employees were confronted with the challenge to divert from the landfill most of the solid waste produced in the school. The waste was separated into biodegradables, inert recyclables and refuse. Windrow composting was applied to transform the biodegradables into compost that was used in gardening. The inert recyclables were handed to reverse logistics operators. Only the refuse was directed to the landfill. As qualitative result the study showed that students may easily be induced to operate the waste movement, including the windrows. As quantitative result it was discovered that the school produces 7.0 kg of waste per working day, of which 2.67 kg is biodegradable material, 2.98 kg is inert recyclable material and 1.35 kg is refuse. The management model applied here reduced the rate of landfill disposal from 7.0 kg to 1.25 kg per working day, or from 100% to 19%. With this result, the research established a precedent to be imitated in the school universe of the city.


landfill diversion geografia lixo - uberaba (mg) aterro sanitário uberaba waste management reciclagem escola estadual corina de oliveira desvio do aterro geografia física gestão de resíduos recycling windrow composting meio ambiente - uberaba (mg) compostagem lixo - eliminação corina de oliveira state school

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