Haematological effects of chronic benzene poisoning in 217 workers


Aksoy, M., Dinçol, K., Akgün, T., Erdem, Ş and Dinçol, G. (1971).Brit. J. industr. Med.,28, 296-302. Haematological effects of chronic benzene poisoning in 217 workers. A haematological study consisting of the determination of RBC, WBC, PCV, platelets, and differential counts was carried out, together with bone marrow puncture and haemoglobin analyses in appropriate cases, on a control population of 100 normal people and on 217 male labourers, 95% of whom worked with solvents containing benzene in small shops manufacturing shoes under unhygienic conditions. The concentration of benzene in the workplaces ranged between 30 and 210 p.p.m., and the period of exposure between 3 months and 17 years.

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