Head group and chain behavior in biological membranes: a molecular dynamics computer simulation.


A computer-modeled hydrated bilayer model of the lipid 2,3-dimyristoyl-D-glycero-1-phosphorylcholine in the L alpha phase was built. Particular care was taken in building the starting structure with the inclusion of structural detail reported in experiments on the L alpha phase. Molecular dynamics simulations using the molecular dynamics and energy refinement program AMBER 3.1 force field with an optimized parameters for liquid simulation parameter set were run to study the motions and conformations of the lipid molecules and characterize the behavior and structure of the head groups and the hydrocarbon lipid chains. Although the head groups were observed to show great flexibility, certain head-group torsion combinations appeared favored. The observed tilt of the lipid chains is discussed and is consistent with previous experimental findings. Motion of the lipid chains is shown to be correlated with those chains immediately surrounding, but correlation with chains more distant varies with time.

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