Health on play: theater to nursing formation / A saúde em cena: o teatro na formação do enfermeiro
Rosangela Andrade Aukar de Camargo
Very fill studies focus the theater on college teaching, although the literature about this issue (theater) built the bases for this study. We made an option on this study for a qualitative research; the way used to do it was a Research Action which the objective was to analyze and understand the method used to produce an educative play (The Revolt of Vaccine and Crazy Emergency Room) and evaluate its importance for the formation of nursing students. All the twelve students invited to integrate this study are regularly coursing nursing classes and were oriented by a scenic professor to create the composition of the plays, based on a Pedagogical Process dialogic and critic, improving the course Nursing and Collective Health. It was fulfilled in a private institution of education, located in Sao Paulo state. The students, pushed by the desire to live a play, saw on this activity an addition to their knowledge, professional qualification, socialization, humanization and a rescue of sensibility, fundaments that are deep linked to the principles of humanization actions on health. Curricular contents were materialized through the creation of stories and characters. This exercise demands concentration, memorization, emotion, corporal expression, well speech and hear, techniques that build the bases for an education structured on humanization and citizenship. Though, been part of the education and learning process, theatrical art stimulate creativity, communication and at last a searching for knowledge with someone and for someone, which creates more fair relationships that respect all mankind principles. This is an alternative way to teach how the self transformation and collective transformation processes are important, because it permits the development of sensibility, reflection and comprehension of reality. So, we suggest that theatrical art must be part of all curricular process on every step of human formation.
humanização nursing formation formação do enfermeiro theater teatro humanization
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