Histórias infantis como promotoras de comunicação em psicologia pediátrica




Scientific and technological development in health care during the latest decades have pointed out the relevance of communication systems and information availability to pediatric patients, aiming the acquisition and maintenance of an active behavior during the development process and, specially during the exposition to heath treatment contingencies. This study, which was structured in two phases, aims to systematize a playful procedure through children‟s storybooks and to evaluate this procedure as a communicative method that reinforces the interaction between the hospitalized child and its heath care environment. Phase 01: elaboration of children‟s storybooks and complementary structured activities. Phase 02: description of patient‟s behavioral repertoire during the systematized proposal in three sessions. Twenty-six children and adolescents that were going through quimiotherapy participated in this study, with ages varying between 4 and 14. Among the instruments developed for data collection, the creation of Coleção Hospitalândia should be emphasized: a six volume children‟s book collection that contemplates the following themes: (1) hospitalization; (2) hospital materials; (3) hospital environments and heath care professionals; (4) basic heath care behaviors; (5) feelings; and (6) acute pain. A checklist containing the definitions of behavior categories to study the activity, interaction, content, and structure of this process. Participants were observed during 59 sessions ordered in four routines: (a) warm-up; (b) storytelling; (c) narration of the story by the child; and (d) workshop. The results indicated that children storybooks together with directed activities make learning opportunities possible when there is a participation of the child during knowledge construction. The results in phase 01, in relation to content patterns, indicated that as well as the relationship among family members, the children perceived the relations with health care professionals as an effective social support. Cognitive support given by book reading was an efficient intervention in relation to the knowledge about health professional‟s name, function and their comprehension the pain sensorial system. Playful activities revealed to be relevant for contact and approximation to hospital environment and materials. Basic heath care behaviors known and executed by the children were related to environmental and cultural factors. Negative feelings were seen as a collateral effect related to non-collaborative behaviors in inevitable and aversive treatment situations. The results from phase 02, related to the coverage of the material and structured proposal, showed that the first session characterizes a first contact with the child. Until the third session, the warm-up routine was executed aiming initial contact with the child and the working material. The children‟s‟ storytelling behavior is described by their spontaneity and the characterization of the workshop routine by the insertion of contextualized information into the treatment. The proposed routine and gender variable explains differences found in the interacted data. In the content category, the heath care process was mostly mentioned during the warm-up and storytelling routines; personal data mostly mentioned during workshop‟ routine. The study indicates that the creation and structuring of communication procedures in pediatric context cannot only make systematic interventions possible; it can expand the role of health psychologists, reinforcing the importance of developing humanized medical treatment and promotional health contexts.


psicologia pediátrica humanização s stories pediatric psychology humanization comunicação histórias infantis children‟ psicologia communication

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