Hortaliças: consumo e preferências de escolares. / Vegetables: consumption and students preferences.




Analysis elaborated in the last three decades, based on information obtained through national researches reveal that there was reduction of the consumption, for the Brazilian population, of foods of vegetable origin. It has also been highlighted by several authors that the low consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated to a larger risk of development of cardiovascular diseases and several cancer types. Researches involving children and Brazilian teenagers reveal that they consume, in general, reduced amount of those foods. With the objective of stimulating the consumption of the foods of vegetable origin, alternatives have been looked for and, among those, the incorporation of a larger amount and variety of the referred foods in the meals of the alimentary programs driven to the scholars, for instance. An alternative, which seems promising, is the use of the minimally processed vegetables, also considered of "convenience" or "easy to prepare". This research, accomplished in the municipal district of Piracicaba – SP, based on a sample of 210 students, enrolled in public schools, aimed to know: the acceptability of the minimally processed vegetables; analyze the consumption of foods; highlighting the contribution of energy and nutrients coming from vegetables and fruits and, also, the students nutritional status. The anthropometrical indicators were analyzed (Z - scores of height to age – ZAI and Z – scores of weight for age - ZPI) as well as the distribution of the Body Mass Index - BMI. The information concerning the alimentary consumption (quantitative and qualitative analysis) was obtained through interviews, being adopted the method of registration of foods (Reminding 24 hours). For the calculation and analysis of the content of energy and nutrients present in the students feeding it was used the software Virtual Nutri (Philippi et al., 1996). To know the opinion of the students group on the minimally processed vegetables, a sensorial analysis took place, adopting the three points facial hedonic scale. The results revealed that, among the interviewed students, only 35,2% of the girls and 32,4% of the boys presented overweight while 1,9% of the students revealed the opposite condition, that is, low weight. It was verified that 50% of the studied population have a diet in which energy content didn t reach the recommended minimum value and, only 36,19% of the students presented appropriate participation of the macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids) in the Total Energy Value – TEV. It was also observed that 58,10% of the participants of the research enjoyed a lot the minimally processed vegetables, and only 10,47% didn t enjoy the vegetables. It was verified that 17,14% of the girls and only 3,81% of the boys stated not to "enjoy" the minimally processed vegetables. It is important to say that 61% of the students who revealed to "enjoy a lot" the minimally processed vegetables, belong to families that have a smaller family income per capita. There are possibilities that a larger offer and consumption of vegetables, among the students, is guaranteed with the incorporation of minimally processed foods to the meals of the alimentary programs in place in Brazil today.


programas de nutrição consumo alimentar vegetables alimentação escolar alimentary consumption school lunch merenda escolar fruits school feeding frutas hortaliças – processamento nutritional program

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